About Taxma The Company
Why Becoming a Business Partner
The Benefits of Adding an Income Tax Service to Any Existing Business
How Taxma Will Assist You


Every year, more and more people need help preparing their tax returns. Many also need other kinds of services and guidance, too. So the demand for our services exists, no matter what is going on in the economy. It is a recession resistant industry. Every year as the nation’s population increases, some 11 million new tax payers enter the tax system through immigration reform, the demand for tax preparation and other services also grows.

At Taxma, we have been especially successful helping new immigrants (and minorities) with a wide variety of tax and other services. Plus, the steady growth of new small businesses also provides many opportunities for our existing, and future business owners. So, if you’re looking to open a business in a thriving market that shows no signs of slowing down, we think the Taxma Business Opportunity could be the perfect opportunity for you.